Travis J. Reed
Professional Portfolio

Travis J Reed - Freelance
Photos, DVDs, and programs of most of the following events are available upon request.
Examples of freelance work include:

Special Events:
2017 SECO Fashion Show Producer, ATL Georgia
2005-2017 Vision Expo East and West Conference Speaker, NYC and Vegas
2017 SECO Conference Speaker
2016 Eye Recommend Canada speaker, two cities
2004-2012 Producer/Production– Imagine IADT Annual Fashion Show, UIC Forum and Union Station – Chicago, IL
2010-2012 Producer/Coordinator – Charity fundraiser/Admissions booth for IADT Chicago at ComicCon and C2E2
2011 Fashion Pops at the Block, Pop up shop designer and coordinator, Block37 Chicago
2010 Co-Producer, Block37 Fashion show hosted by Project Runway’s Austin and Santino
2010 Producer, IADT fashion show at Taste of Chicago
2005-2012 Production Team - Marshall Field’s Glamorama, Sender (’05) organized student dressers/training – Chicago, IL
2007 Producer – Crest Creek Country Club Fall Fashion Show – Naperville, IL
2007 Producer – Gstar Raw Fashion show for Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Foundation, Underground Nightclub –Chicago, IL
2006-2007 Producer – IADT Fashion show at B96 Summer Bash with 40,000 attendees at Toyota Park – Chicago, IL
2006-2007 Guest Speaker – International Eyewear Convention - Las Vegas, NV, NY, NY & Rosemont, IL
2006-2007 Producer – Humane Society of the United States Gala/Fashion show, Intercontinental Hotel – Chicago, IL
2006-2007 International Housewares Show with HGTV at McCormick Place – Chicago, IL
2005 Dresser - J-Lo Fashion show – Organized student dressers – Chicago, IL
2004-2007 Producer - Taste of Lincoln Park Fashion Show, IADT – Chicago, IL
2004-2007 Producer - Halstead Market Days Fashion Show, IADT – Chicago, IL
2004-2007 Producer - Clark Street Fest Fashion Show, IADT – Chicago, IL
2004-2006 Event Team Glamorama after party set up and take down for Marshall Fields – Chicago, IL
2003 Anniversary celebration of the Gene Siskel Theatre with Nicole Kidman – Chicago, IL
2003 Special app. by George Foreman, Bob Villa, Buddy Guy, Martha Stewart, many children’s characters, B96, Q101, Rock 103.5 for Sears on State – Chicago, IL
2000 Producer - Fashion show with Vogue Magazine sponsorship for Ann Taylor flagship on Michigan Ave. – Chicago, IL
Visual Merchandising and Store Design/Remodels
2011 Frill Boutique, store design/merchandising
2005-2011 Pump Shoes, store design/merchandising/assistant buyer
1997-Present International Academy of Design & Technology Designer for window displays/marketing - Chicago, IL
2005-2012 Century Mall Visual Merchandiser for entire Mall holiday décor – Chicago, IL
2005 Cartier Chicagoland Retail stores, 7 locations Visual Merchandiser – Chicago, IL
2003-2007 Pump Inc. Shoe Boutique designed the store, and quarterly updates – Chicago, IL
1999 Lord and Taylor Holiday Visuals, Watertower location - Chicago, IL
1999 American Girl Place Award Winning Fall/Holiday Visuals (Full Time) - Chicago, IL
1998 Bath and Body Works Holiday visuals, Citicorp location - Chicago, IL
1997 Zang’s Collectibles Merchandise Mart Showroom - Chicago, IL
1994-1997 Dantae’s Restaurants Holiday Visuals (Volunteer Work) - Lowell, IN
Nandor Tamas, Digital Creative Director at Career Education Corporation, Written 11/14/2012
"From the runway to the classroom – Travis has the rare combination of creative enthusiasm, expertise and management skill that makes him a one-of-a-kind. No idea is lost. Every idea is considered. He’s a creative master and the people who can experience his style, approach and execution are in for a splendid ride."
Wilma Kozar, Accreditation Evaluator for ABHES, ACCSC, ACICS, Written 11/13/2012
"As an instructor in the Merchandise Management program, Travis brought his extensive career experiences into the classroom. The students adored him, his students experienced a realistic dimension in his classroom and in the events he created and managed. There is no one more creative than Travis. He can take anything and turn it into an extraordinary experience. Travis always advocated for the students' best interest. He will be a great asset to any organization and will continue to exceed expectations throughout his career."
Cheryl Perillo, Director of Career Services, International Academy of Design and Technology (colleague)
“I have had the pleasure of working with Travis Reed for over 3 years a Director of Career Services and over 9 years as colleagues at International Academy of Design and Technology. Travis's artistic abilities are bar none while his ability to execute, plan and organize events continues to outmatch any competitor. Travis has the innate ability to think outside the box while still following guidelines and processes for the overall mission of a project. He brings trendy, classy and modern elegance to any project or event he manages. Also, Travis has also been successful at developing a marketing team with his strong leadership skills. I am confident that any organization or firm would benefit from his strong work ethic and drive to create impeccable marketing initiatives.” November 19, 2012
Recent Recommendations - (Available to view on LinkedIn)
2010 - present
2010 - present